Edinburgh: What It's Like In Your Twenties Vs. Your Thirties

    RIP Flip.

    1. The Fringe in your twenties.

    The Fringe in your thirties.

    2. The Hive in your twenties.

    The Hive in your thirties.

    3. Being a metal fan in your twenties.

    Being a metal fan in your thirties.

    4. Cockburn Street in your twenties.

    Cockburn Street in your thirties.

    5. Being a student in your twenties.

    Not being a student in your thirties.

    6. Fringe flyers in your twenties.

    Fringe flyers in your thirties.

    7. Clubbing in your twenties.

    Not clubbing in your thirties.

    8. Fast food in your twenties.

    All food in your thirties.

    9. Night buses in your twenties.

    Night buses in your thirties.

    10. Irn-Bru in your twenties.

    Irn-Bru in your thirties.

    11. Clothes shopping in your twenties.

    Clothes shopping in your thirties.

    12. The Mound in your twenties.

    The Mound in your thirties.

    13. Wings in your twenties.

    Wings in your thirties.

    14. Pub lunches in your twenties.

    Pub lunches in your thirties.

    15. Scottish sweeties in your twenties.

    Scottish sweeties in your thirties.

    16. Arcades in your twenties.

    Arcades in your thirties.

    17. Sundays in your twenties.

    Sundays in your thirties.