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    20 Common Mistakes Twentysomethings Make When Giving Life Advice

    To speak or not to speak? That is the question.

    1. Thinking that because they read an insightful advice article, they can write one.

    2. Repeating the same things another article said, only in a less articulate manner.

    3. Thinking you’re amazingly awesome and everyone should get on your level.

    4. Assuming the reader is stupid.

    5. Trying too hard to be interesting.

    6. Writing too many tips.

    7. Trying to sound profound, but making absolutely no sense.

    8. Attempting to be funny, but really just sounding like a pompous asshole.

    9. Having no idea what they’re doing with their own life, but telling others how to live theirs.

    10. Purposefully pissing people off just to be internet famous.

    11. Assuming that because their own romantic life hasn’t been successful, dating and relationships are a waste of time.

    12. Thinking the key to a healthy sexual relationship is borderline rape.

    13. Contradicting themselves. A lot.

    14. Sounding incredibly selfish.

    15. Giving advice that “applies to everyone” but is really only for a certain sex…

    16. Or certain social class.

    17. Constantly telling people to travel, but conveniently leaving out how expensive the trips are.

    18. Writing about how to successfully make money, when in reality they are broke.

    19. Telling people to be a trendsetter instead of a trend follower in an article they are writing specifically to follow a trend.

    20. But for real, you’re all just embarrassing yourselves.