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8 WTF Moments Of The 2016 Presidential Race.

Narrowing it down to 8 was not easy.

1. When Ben Carson said the Pyramids of Giza were grain silos.

2. When Jeb Bush said that Supergirl "looked hot".

3. When Rick Perry challenged Donald Trump to a pull-up contest.

4. When Ted Cruz imitated the aliens from The Simpsons and went 'twirling, twirling for freedom".

5. When Bernie Sanders had to explain his weird erotic fiction about 'rape fantasies' from 1972.

6. When Donald Trump said a lot of things.

7. When Hillary Clinton made an awkward Vine about chilling in Cedar Rapids with ice tea.

8. When Lincoln Chaffee kept talking about the metric system, amidst everything else happening in the world right now.