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22 Depressing Homophobic Responses To Tom Daley's Coming-Out Video

A quick search of Twitter reveals some grim realities.

This morning, diving star Tom Daley revealed that he is in a relationship with a man.

Got something I need to say...not been an easy decision to make, hope you can support me! :)

Tom Daley


Got something I need to say...not been an easy decision to make, hope you can support me! :)

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His announcement was greeted with widespread support. Unfortunately, some of the reaction provided a grim reminder of how much anti-gay hate is still rife. Here are some of the most disturbing.

1. The f-word was used a lot.

Woahhhh. Tom Daley is gay? Noooo wayyy, never would've believed it... Jokes. He's been a fag from early.

Obi Wong Kenobi


Woahhhh. Tom Daley is gay? Noooo wayyy, never would've believed it... Jokes. He's been a fag from early.

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Sam Grosser


tom daley the full blown fag

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Tom Daley announces he's a fag... In other news, water is wet

Jamie Blee


Tom Daley announces he's a fag... In other news, water is wet

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Lmao ahahaha tom daley was a fag before he came out of Narnia, he's a bigger fag now

Solid Snake


Lmao ahahaha tom daley was a fag before he came out of Narnia, he's a bigger fag now

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Jamie Walker


I knew Tom Daley was a fag

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Jesus Christ let's be realistic anybody who thought that Tom Daley wasn't a fag, has been in more denial than the guy himself..

Luke Turner


Jesus Christ let's be realistic anybody who thought that Tom Daley wasn't a fag, has been in more denial than the guy himself..

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Tom Daley is gay I am now ashamed of my country ew we can't have a bloody fag representing us



Tom Daley is gay I am now ashamed of my country ew we can't have a bloody fag representing us

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So tom daley has finally came out the little fag

Lewis Dawson


So tom daley has finally came out the little fag

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hahahaha tom daley always look like a gay fag to me aha !!


hahahaha tom daley always look like a gay fag to me aha !!

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10. The hate speech was not limited to "fag" either.

Tom daley has came out tht hes a battyman loool fucking queer

Adam Belcher


Tom daley has came out tht hes a battyman loool fucking queer

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Tom daley queer cunt!

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12. Some people were weirdly creative about it.

Psssst, Tom Daley is a dirty fart puncher, pass it on

Ben Ramsay


Psssst, Tom Daley is a dirty fart puncher, pass it on

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Tom Daley's a dirty queer....#shock

Conor Mc Kenna


Tom Daley's a dirty queer....#shock

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I called Tom Daley being a big dirty bender about 2 years ago #alwaysright

Cameron Jamieson


I called Tom Daley being a big dirty bender about 2 years ago #alwaysright

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Whys ppl surprised about tom daley been gay . Ive never seen a bigger faggot. He walks round the pool with constant boner

josh wood


Whys ppl surprised about tom daley been gay . Ive never seen a bigger faggot. He walks round the pool with constant boner

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everybody is shocked about tom daley being gay haha he's a proper faggot wasn't it a bit obvious



everybody is shocked about tom daley being gay haha he's a proper faggot wasn't it a bit obvious

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"@TomDaley1994: Got something I need to say...not been an easy decision to make, hope you can support me! :)" faggot

ayyy jamaal


"@TomDaley1994: Got something I need to say...not been an easy decision to make, hope you can support me! :)" faggot

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18. Some people were shocking in their directness.

You just lost a fan, go to hell!!! faggot @TomDaley1994



You just lost a fan, go to hell!!! faggot @TomDaley1994

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Bit obvious Tom Daley was gay he speaks like a faggot



Bit obvious Tom Daley was gay he speaks like a faggot

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Tom Daley has come out as gay. Eeeee Faggot!



Tom Daley has come out as gay. Eeeee Faggot!

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Tom Daley uno i was cheering for this faggot in the olympics aswell.. Na bro you went out wrong maaan .. Bent angle



Tom Daley uno i was cheering for this faggot in the olympics aswell.. Na bro you went out wrong maaan .. Bent angle

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22. Where we still are in 2013:

Haha Tom Daley you big faggot what a nob posting a video, and people saying it's brave leave it out, liking a mans bum isn't flipping brave

Asif Ilyas


Haha Tom Daley you big faggot what a nob posting a video, and people saying it's brave leave it out, liking a mans bum isn't flipping brave

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This post has been updated.