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    The Stages Of A Christmas Visit Home

    Holiday fun is best in doses.

    Yay! December has arrived and that means one thing...Christmas is almost here!

    You excitedly begin to count down the days until you are home with your loved ones.

    You book your flight...for $200 more than the usual price.

    But no're that much closer to mom's home cooked meals and an escape from work.

    The day finally arrives and you get to the airport...and its complete chaos.

    Regardless, you make it to your flight.

    You arrive at Grandma's on Christmas Eve for extended family time.

    Your siblings have both brought their significant others to dinner.

    Then Mom jokes she bought you a subscription to as a gift.

    Thank God your friend vodka made it home for the holidays as well.

    Unfortunately your semi-creepy uncle Randy got into the booze as well.

    Time to cut him off and gather around the fire to open family presents!

    Hardy har har.

    Your sister redeems the day with something you really wanted...

    After the gifts are open it's time to head home & away from some of those "once-a-year" kind of cousins.

    The drive home is filled with Christmas sing-a-longs.

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    You are more on cue than Meg is.

    The snow starts to fall as you pull in the driveway.

    You nestle into your favorite pjs and dream of Santa's arrival

    The next morning, you hop out of bed earlier than normal because its CHRISTMAS DAY!!

    Time to blast some Frank Sinata and Ella Fitzgerald Christmas classics **...

    ...Eat yourself sick...

    ...Curl up with a glass of wine...

    ...Maybe pop on a classic holiday film...

    ...And best of all, enjoy your loved ones.