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Tell Us Your Experience With Sleep Paralysis

It can happen to anyone, and it's terrifying.

Sleep Paralysis is, in simple terms, when your mind wakes up, but your body doesn't. And it's terrifying.

Many sufferers say it's like "waking up dead" – fully aware of their surroundings, but unable to move, or in some cases, to breathe.

As if the paralysis wasn't bad enough, some sufferers also hallucinate, seeing dark shapes or figures and hearing voices.

Though there are some common themes, each sufferer has a different experience, and we'd like to hear yours.

Perhaps you get visited by shadow people? Or shadow creatures? Perhaps they talk to you?

Perhaps there are recurring monsters who've followed you for years, or metal claws that come at you in the night?

Does it only happen when you sleep in a certain position or place?

What's your experience with sleep paralysis? Tell us in the comments below.