The Samsung Whistle Is The Worst Noise Ever And Must Be Stopped


    Do Not Press Play.


    The Samsung whistle is the worst thing that has ever happened to ears.

    Remember when Justin Bieber brought out that "Mistletoe" Christmas song?

    This is exactly how everyone feels when they hear it.

    Why does it exist?

    Whistling of any kind is the worst.

    And the Samsung whistle is the worst kind of whistle.

    Some say it was created by pure evil.

    Either way, it needs to be stopped.

    The only way this audio turd could get any worse is if goddamn Nickelback covered it.

    How do we solve this problem?

    The answer is simple.

    Or, you know. Pick a different message tone.

    Literally any other message tone.

    By working together, we can end the tyranny of the Samsung whistle.
