Brilliant “Breaking Bad” Street Art From Around The World

    Art, bitch!

    1. Vancouver, British Columbia.

    3. Manchester, UK.

    4. Manchester, UK.

    5. Manchester, UK.

    6. Somewhere in California.

    7. Vancouver, British Columbia.

    8. "Meth Rogan", New York.

    9. Salt Lake City, Utah.

    Here's a close up.

    10. Bryan Cranston spotted this one in Vancouver, British Columbia.

    Did a double-take on this guy this morning on the streets of Vancouver. Tried to get him to tell me the ending of BB.

    So the artist added his selfie to the mural.

    11. Belfast, Northern Ireland.

    12. Sacramento, California.

    13. Vancouver, British Columbia.

    14. Unknown, UK.

    15. Basel, Switzerland.

    16. Oslo, Norway.

    17. Chinatown, New York.

    18. Vancouver, British Columbia.

    19. Rennes, France.

    20. Tarragonna, Spain.

    21. Vancouver, British Columbia.

    22. Saint Petersburg, Russia.

    23. Harvard Bridge, Boston.

    24. Valencia, Spain.

    H/T to UK Street Art.