Apple Watch Owners Are All Using Them For The Same Thing: Drawing Dicks

    So many dicks.

    When the Apple Watch was announced, one feature above all others seemed to capture the imagination:

    The AppleWatch is, quite simply, the biggest innovation in drawing pictures of dicks and sending them to your friends in history.

    The "Sketch" feature allows users to send doodles (of doodles) to friends who also own an Apple Watch.

    Apple Watch = stream of dicks on my wrist

    But was it a canny foreskinsight into human psychology, or mere shaft-enfreud?

    People are just going to draw dicks. #AppleWatch #digitaltouch

    Well, the Apple Watch was released in April. Only instead of April showers, it was raining dicks.

    Got the apple watch today. @benashdown has basically just been sending me little drawings of dicks all day. #alwaysonaboutcock

    So many dicks.

    All I'm doing on my apple watch is drawing dicks and sending them to people.

    Dickpocalypse now.

    Apple Watch Day One: I'm bad at drawing things. And by things I mean dicks.

    Dick Drawington.

    I bought an apple watch to draw dicks for people

    Some people tried to draw other things, and quickly realised that you can't beat a dick doodle.

    I need a ruling. @SeoulBrother got an Apple Watch so I sent him a butt and boobs and he sent me two dicks so I think I lost?

    But just as Apple didn't invent the smart watch, nor did they invent the dick doodle. We've been drawing dicks on things for millennia.

    The only thing I want an apple watch for is to send drawings of dicks to other people with watches.

    Apple just perfected it. By letting you draw dicks ON YOUR WRIST.

    DONT FORGET THE APPLE WATCH'S MAIN FEATURE drawing dicks and sending it to your pals

    And instead of waiting for your dick painting to be discovered in a cave, YOU CAN SEND THAT DICK STRAIGHT AWAY.

    You can always tell when someone has gotten a new Apple Watch from the deluge of dicks you get drawn and sent to your wrist.

    It is the pinnacle of human achievement in the phallic arts.

    Apple Watch seems to be only good for checking your heartbeat and drawing dicks to send to someone.

    It is the form of communication we both needed and deserved.

    Iโ€™ve never received so many sketches of hearts or dicks as I have with the Apple Watch.

    So thanks, Apple.

    Apple Watch Day 3: the day I send everyone drawings of dicks

    For inspiring us to Dick Different.

    Drawing dicks in your Apple Watch. THE BEST INVENTION OF ALL TIME!! YAAAYY!! ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘โœŒ

    Dick on, world.

    #AppleWatch OS2 now comes with the penis pic as standard! #Innovation #WWDC15

    Dick on.

    $600 dick sketch transmitter #applewatch #iloveitthough