Play Our Canadian "Never Have I Ever" Drinking Game — You'll Probably Lose

    And be very, very drunk. We warned you.

    The rules:

    ∙ Read the statements.

    ∙ If you've done them, drink.

    1. "Never have I ever run into someone without saying sorry."

    2. "Never have I ever spent days searching for DNS codes to get American Netflix."

    3. "Never have I ever cried during an "I Am Canadian" commercial."

    View this video on YouTube

    4. "Never have I ever jumped out of the hot tub and made snow angels in my bathing suit."

    5. "Never have I ever totally convinced my American friends that House Hippos are a legit endangered species in Canada."

    View this video on YouTube

    6. "Never have I ever actually sung along to Nickleback in the car."

    7. "Never have I ever gone through a Tim Hortons drive-thru on a snowmobile."

    8. "Never have I ever gotten drunk and put on a pretty convincing performance of Skinnamarink. Complete with actions."

    View this video on YouTube

    9. "Never have I ever spent more money than rent on a Canada Goose parka."

    10. "Never have I ever bought an entire box of strawberry jelly Timbits. For myself."

    11. "Never have I ever dug through a garbage can for a Tim's cup because I forgot to roll up the rim."

    12. "Never have I ever held the door open for someone who was just a bit too far away for it not to become agonizingly awkward."

    13. "Never have I ever double-dog dared someone to run through a department store, frantically putting hats on all the mannequins."

    14. "Never have I ever engaged in 'fluent' conversations of my high school Franglais after one too many jello shots."

    15. "Never have I ever tried to explain 'pop' to an American."

    16. "Never have I ever stealthily disguised rum and 'mix' in reusable water bottles to bring to a bonfire."

    17. "Never have I ever had a close encounter of the ...moose kind."

    18. And finally, "NEVER have I ever had an actual snow day.", actually NEVER. We're Canadians. A little snow doesn't stop us.