17 Times The "This Is Thirty" Hashtag Pretty Much Nailed It

    "I am very excited about our first major appliance purchase."

    1. When you spent your Saturday night multi-tasking like nobody's business.

    2. When you were willing to accept this wardrobe reality.

    3. When you needed to remind people that the times they are a changin'.

    4. When you find you're still stocking up on the same products from your youth...for different reasons.

    5. When you're only a couple days into the week, but you're definitely already over it.

    6. When you find yourself actually reveling in a chart of your annual expenses.

    7. When you understand that there is always a yin to the yang.

    8. When mixing childhood and adulthood is way more fun that it should be.

    9. When you accept that a birthday is truly just another day.

    10. When you ditch this whole "adulting" thing for just a fleeting second every once in a while...

    11. ...which, OK fine, sometimes totally backfires on you.

    12. When you remember why you only occasionally hang out with your twentysomething friends.

    13. When you try to convince yourself that vitamins taste just as good as candy.

    14. When your Friday nights begin to look a little more like this...

    15. ...or this.

    16. When you know the simple things in life are actually really big achievements.

    17. And finally, when you realize how true this really is.