21 Things You’ll Only Understand If You Were In High School In 2000

    Y2Kan you believe how old this shit is?

    1. Wasting all your battery life trying to beat your friends' top Snake scores on this bad boy:

    2. Lusting after Neo's phone in The Matrix:

    "It slides down? COOOOOL."

    3. Dressing up as "new teen pop sensation" Britney Spears for Halloween:

    As best you could anyway with what you could find at the local mall.

    4. Or going with a "classic" group costume instead:

    Sure, that movie was two years old, but like...girl power!!!

    5. And, perhaps, making the mistake of dressing up as your favorite new movie character:

    6. Writing college essays on your "brand-new-and-amazing" iBook G3:

    7. Having to use a CD to get (free) internet access:

    8. Thinking this was a "cool" search engine:

    9. And if you were tech-savvy, catching wind of some new search engines too:

    10. Saving your school papers (and "funny" pictures) on this:

    11. Discovering the greatest thing to happen to music in your young life:

    12. But still having something like this as the centerpiece of your bedroom...

    13. ...which is what you used to obsessively practice your favorite new dance routine:

    14. And, of course, where you learned what a "scrub" is.

    15. Watching everyone freak out about Y2K.

    16. Even brands that had nothing to do with tech.

    17. Lining your bedroom walls with "racy" Abercrombie & Fitch quarterly pics.

    18. Wanting pastel jeans after seeing Gap's West Side Story-inspired campaign:

    19. Witnessing this dress...and all the aftermath that came with it:

    **softly** "Yay, South Park!"

    20. Getting jacked up about waiting in line for the fourth installment of your favorite new book series:

    21. And finally, checking out this new "online bookstore:"