17 Things Only American Students Studying In The UK Will Understand

    An American in Britain.

    1. Getting used to being called a "first year" instead of a "freshman."

    2. ...as well as saying "professor" instead of "teacher."

    3. Occasionally having trouble understanding what your professors say.

    4. Immediately taking advantage of the fact that you're legally able to drink.

    5. Trying to figure out what your GPA equivalent would be back home.

    6. Having to explain to everyone back home that you're at "university" not "college."

    7. Being spoiled with a lot of amazing options outside of dining hall food...

    8. ...as well as after a long night of drinking.

    9. Not knowing what a "jumper" is when your roommate wants to borrow yours.

    10. Constantly fighting off the urge to travel through Europe instead of going to classes because, well, EasyJet!

    11. Being jealous of your friends back home who have cars, because you and almost all your friends do not.

    12. In fact, never really driving for most of your college experience because the public transportation is so good there.

    13. Realizing how inferior U.S. versions of your favorite magazines are.

    14. Knowing about crazy new reality shows months before the American version is even created.

    15. And feeling extra cool about loving British shows your friends back home have absolutely no idea about.

    16. Having to explain all the slang you picked up when you come home for the summer.

    17. And finally, being very, very sad about the glorious discoveries you'll never be able to get again after you graduate.