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16 Struggles Anyone With Asian Hair Will Understand

Straight talk.

1. Having the most untamable hair as a baby...

2. ... And as an adult.

3. Only being able to choose from a limited number of hairstyles in the morning: straight or straight.

The problem with #asian #hair It is so damn straight, I only used a comb & I look like that everyday~ #hairproblems

4. Having to cover your hair because it's basically a sharp, hazardous object.

5. Never being able to get the perfect ponytail.

I can never put my hair into a proper neat ponytail 'cause there's always those uncooperative little straight stray hairs #asianhairproblems

6. Owning a curling iron that works better on your friends' hair than your own.

it worked for her but not me #asianhairproblems @kelseydoniee

7. Knowing your fabricated curls have a limited shelf life.

can you believe I curled my hair 2 hours ago.......... L-O-FUCKING-L #teamhaircantcurl #asianhair

8. Losing your pretty waves almost immediately to bad weather.

9. Getting your hair butchered by a regular stylist...

10. ... Then trying forever to find someone who actually knows how to cut Asian hair.

11. Requiring an insane amount of hairspray to hold any style in place.

Aunt: Oh gosh, that's too much hairspray. Me: blame your sister and brother-in-law for having me, PIN STRAIGHT HAIR. #asianhairproblems

And that's not just the ladies.

12. The complete crapshoot of coloring your hair.

Photo: So this is what #bleaching looks like on my #asianhair. Dunno what’s up with the #purple http://t.co/kriUzmotwp

13. Using several boxes of hair dye at a time and having it only kiiiinda work.

14. Spending an obscene amount of money at a salon to actually get the color you want...

15. ... Then having to spend even more money to correct a brassy dye job.

Photo: Before and after #colorcorrection #color #hair #haircolor #blonde #blondeasian #asianhair... http://t.co/eJBOAqfUvm

16. Coming to the realization that your hair just might be color-proof.

I dyed my hair 5 shades lighter and it still looks black, even after I bleached it. #AsianHairProblems

But the one thing people with Asian hair will never struggle with...

Having hair that looks really, really good in slo-mo.