16 Times Winners Just Lost

    Those garbage too-sticky price tags have got to go.

    1. When its pricing strategy was a total loser.



    Wow.... What a deal!!! #WinnersFail

    4. When the product displays left something to be desired.

    These may be on clearance but I think I'll pass... #WinnersFail

    5. When it was really clear why some products didn't sell elsewhere.

    I know Tony can't be OK with these. #WinnersFail

    7. LOL @ this guy enjoying having the best moment of his life thanks to his "Party Rocker" kit.

    8. When it had products that should just never exist.

    9. Caution: Nightmare fuel ahead.

    10. When it seemed like stuff was just randomly thrown on shelves.

    Honey, my steak tastes fu*clunk* #WinnersFAIL

    11. When the sale price was still expensive AF.

    Spotted a $500 ("sale" price) pair of Salvatore Ferragamo shoes at Winners. If I could afford that, would I really be shopping at Winners?


    Why is the only purse I like $200.. #winnersfail


    when you think you're shopping in winners and then you see a $100 price tag... Winners' tryna be something they're not.

    14. When you think you score a deal, and then get home and discouver it's all fucked up.

    15. Or, after you've reluctantly spent your paycheque at Winners, you'll spend the rest of your time trying to peel their garbage price tags off.

    I wonder how many manicures @WINNERS is responsible for ruining due to the removal of their annoying price tags! #Christmas #shopping 😩


    I love @Winners but remind me never to Christmas shop there again. I’ve spent more time trying to remove price stickers than I did shopping.

    You need to fix your price tags, Winners!