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Samantha's Special Night

Samantha's clearing her calendar...she has BIG PLANS tonight.

corymilkfingers 14 years ago


Seinfeld the way you've always wanted to see it - as a tear-jerking made-for-TV movie.

Mathieu S. 14 years ago

George Costanza: The Original Hipster

We always knew it, but here's definitive proof that George Costanza was a consummate hipster.

alexandr 14 years ago

The Day Einstein Died | Life

Albert Einstein died 55 years ago yesterday. LIFE magazine hired a photographer named Ralph Morse to document the event. Armed with his camera and the insight to buy a case of Scotch “to open doors and loosen tongues”, he is the only photographer to have gained access to the intensely private day for the Einstein family. At the request of the Einstein family, the photographs were never published. Now 55 years later they are being published along with Ralph’s recollection of the events.

catrocketship 14 years ago

Trolling With Meme's

You knew this day would come Check out the new way to argue on the interwebz, via meme's.

awesomeFeed 14 years ago

The Human Centipede

"During a stopover in Germany in the middle of a carefree roadtrip through Europe, two American girls find themselves alone at night when their car breaks down in the woods. Searching for help at a nearby villa, they are wooed into the clutches of a deranged retired surgeon who explains his mad scientific vision to his captives' utter horror. They are to be the subjects of his sick lifetime fantasy: to be the first to connect people, one to the next, via their gastric system, and in doing so bring to life 'the human centipede'."

corymilkfingers 14 years ago

What's On Your Desktop?

What's the most recent image you have saved to your desktop?

Jack Shepherd 14 years ago

Disney Dejá Vu

Disney reused the exact same scenes and movements in many of his movies. Here is a collection ogf examples.

Philip K. 14 years ago

Noreaga's Chain

Beautiful AND Useful.

corymilkfingers 14 years ago