Woman French Kisses BullFrog

    Full tongue action. It's an online dating ad. You can probably guess the premise.

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    And you thought the Go Daddy supermodel/nerd face-sucking was off-putting.

    So, women: does this commercial make you want to join "romantic social network" Zoosk? How about you, frogmen?

    Me, It makes me want to go back to being a creative director, so I can look at ideas like this presented to me by wide-eyed, clueless creatives, and tell them:

    "The Frog/Prince thing? Really? That's fresh. You don't mind if I wipe my ass with these sketches, do you? It itches. Yeah, let me get it all up in there good. That's the rub. NOW START OVER."

    NOTE: +1 for the song choice — "The Search Id Over" by the legendary Survivor ("Eye of the Tiger").