More Of The Best (And Worst) Local Business Ads

    Some real doozies here.


    2. Liquor display at a local Russian grocery store. "Buy 2 get 1 free!" Smart move using a 12-year-old girl.

    3. Smart recruitment ad by this Phoenix strip club.

    4. Via Alabama. Multilingual pun! Nice.

    5. Some local gym (if you know the location, please comment). Now, you don't know that for sure. Maybe the aliens themselves are weight conscious, and would prefer to eat ripped bulletheaded mooks.

    6. Via Virgina. Think of the children, please.

    7. EXCELLENT choice of medium.

    8. Via the great state of New Jersey.

    9. Via the Dominican Republic. A variation of this line is used by scores of strips clubs all over the world. So, points off for unoriginality.

    10. Winning hair salon copy.

    11. Another winning hair salon window ad via Devon, England.