SPOILER ALERT! Ad With Naked Woman (SFW)

    Also, spoiler alert about that debauchee Don Draper. It's the Mad Men Sexist Ad of the Week.

    You can read your full Mad Men recaps elsewhere, let's get to the juice:

    Dark Don got caught by daughter Sally with his pants around his ankles and his ding-a-ling ringing neighbor Sylvia.

    Don's explanation: "I know you think you saw something.

    I was comforting Mrs. Rosen, she was very upset."


    Anyway, this week's 1967 Drummond Sweaters undressed woman ad is dedicated to Donnie Bullshit.

    And just for good measure, a 2nd Drummond ad that many consider one of the most sexist print ads of all time.


    here's more sexist Mad Men era ads.