George W. Bush's Big Art Show Opening In New York City!

    It happened last night at the Gagosian Gallery — you missed it!


    Last night, the Gagosian Gallery on Madison Avenue hosted the opening reception for "American Legacy," the paintings of former President George W. Bush.

    As you can see in the above and below photographs, many of Gotham's art scene bons vivants attended the solo show.

    Animal New York art critic, Marina Galperina, says the photos, which were uploaded to Facebook last night at 3 am, are obvious fakes. But I worked in advertising for 20 years, and I can spot a Photoshop job with the best of them; and these shots look 110% authentic.

    I gotta say I am disappointed not to see any of W's sexy self-bathroom canvases in the show.

    I'll be checking it out this week.




    This note about the under-reported event was posted on the (well, "a") Gagosian Gallery Facebook page: