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An Ovary's Mood Wheel vs. A Testicle's Mood Wheel

The male one is wrong wrong wrong. I don't know about the female one.

Hey, dopey Internet Generation---------->Cute Drawings ≠ Accuracy.

Today's modern testes are also sometimes in the mood for:

• getting scratched extensively in very public places

• video games

• getting drunk while being in the mood for sex, potentially making things awkward for the penis, later

• hurting the host body by doing something near Darwin Award-winning in its stupidity — usually in answer to the question: "Don't you have any balls?"

• watching porn (this is very different from being in the "mood" to have sex — men know what I'm talking about)

• getting shaved (see bullet points #3 and #4).

Females, please weigh in on, what must be, a very inaccurate Ovary Mood Wheel.

Mood Wheels created by I Heart Guts.

Maybe they know more about the digestive tract than they do about sex organs.