10 More (Mostly) Great Local Business Ads

    Amateur creativity is a beautiful thing.

    1. The double entendre tagline "Chubby Chasers" is quite clever. It works "both ways," so to speak.

    2. Via Denver. It's proven by market research that if you can somehow get both "new" AND "cool" into your tagline, it will work 73% better.

    3. Also via Denver. Anybody who's ever been on Xanax knows that's not at all true, but at least you tried.

    4. Via Texas. The bad puns are deafening.

    5. Via Colorado. It's doesn't quite nail it, but good try.

    6. Via Texas. His car tells me he is either a very successful violin guy, or a criminal.

    7. Not a local business, but it is a GREAT tagline for a gong.

    8. A great service by this bar in Adelaide. Bravo.

    9. Via Manchester, England. Nice. Kill the ellipsis, though. It's the punctuation mark of the Stupid.

    10. Via New Mexico. "Become a regular" — brilliant.