19 Things People Who Grew Up With ICQ Will Understand

    Get out of the way MSN fans, the real thing was ICQ.

    1. You STILL know your ICQ number of by heart.

    2. Watching the app connect was both exciting and nerve-wracking.

    3. You could add so much ~cool~ information to your profile.

    4. There was nothing more exciting than going from "Invisible" to "Available" when your crush came online.

    5. Or you could just hide from everyone when you didn't want to chat.

    6. Group chats were the coolest.

    7. Except when you had to leave abruptly because your mom needed the phone.

    8. Sharing your homework had never been easier.

    9. Although it took forever for a Word Doc to go through.

    10. You made fun of all of those who didn't know the ~real~ meaning of the name.

    11. Nothing will EVER replace this sound and the excitement it generates in you.

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    12. And these will always hold a special place in your heart.

    13. Stalking was made SO easy.

    14. You had perfectly crafted your contact lists.

    15. And you would spend endless nights just chatting.

    16. And breaking up with your BFF was as easy as putting them under the "Ignore" list.

    17. If you lost your contact list - which happened a lot - your friends could send you their contacts.

    18. The struggle has been real for all those who grew up with it.

    19. But guess what... It's back!

    Type away my friend, type away.

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