The Differences Between Going Out At 18, 25, And 30

    Because we all get old.

    1. Pregaming:

    At 18: You call everyone you know and the pregame lasts for five hours.

    At 25: It turns into dinner and drinks to avoid not wanting to go out later.

    At 30: Pregame? What? No, you need a nap before you leave your house.

    2. Your outfit:

    At 18: Less is more.

    At 25: You have one perfect outfit that never fails you.

    At 30: It's all about being comfortable.

    3. Standing in line:

    At 18: It's the best moment of the night, the party is about to begin!

    At 25: Is it your favorite moment? No. But you can handle it.

    At 30: No.

    4. Music:

    At 18: Any music is music.

    At 25: You start to get more selective.


    5. Flirting:

    At 18: Anything goes.

    At 25: The intention is what matters.

    At 30: Do I still have it?

    6. Drinking:

    At 18: More = Better.

    At 25: Essential for you to have a good time.

    At 30: You feel like you're competing with children when trying to get a drink.

    7. Going to the bathroom:

    At 18: You can go anywhere.

    At 25: You prefer to go somewhere where toilet paper is available.

    At 30: You only go to your own bathroom.

    8. Going back home:

    At 18: Home? NO! Let's go to an after party.

    At 25: At 2:30 you are ready to bounce.

    At 30: You don't make it to eleven.

    9. The next day:

    At 18: What are we doing tonight?

    At 25: Why did I drink so much?

    At 30: Why? WHY? WHYYYYYYY?