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    Obamacare Challengers' 7 Most Desperate Moves

    Opponents of the Affordable Care Act just won’t give up. Whether they’re pushing for a 55th attempt at repeal in Congress or challenging the law piecemeal in court, there’s always something desperate in the works. In their latest crack at it, they’ve concocted a series of lawsuits that rest on a ludicrous legal theory. Basically, they’re looking to four words in a 900-page statute to justify stripping millions of Americans of the financial assistance that makes health care affordable for them under the ACA. Sound ridiculous? Good. It is. The challengers in these lawsuits are churning out desperate ideas as fast as they can be debunked. Here are the 7 most desperate moves we’ve seen in these lawsuits so far:

    1. Pretending the ACA consists of only four words.

    2. Not getting how threats work.

    3. Assuming people don't remember what they were doing five years ago.

    4. Not remembering what they themselves were doing two years ago.

    5. Trying to make reading comprehension a thing of the past.

    6. Pretending to care about the consequences of their harmful lawsuit in order to pressure the Supreme Court into hearing the case.

    7. The lawsuit itself is the ultimate desperate move.