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    9 Things You Need To Know About The Hidden Stars Of Shark Week

    This Shark Week we will see plenty of the “big three”: the great white, tiger and bull sharks. As important as these are, they are just three members of the shark group, which includes over 400 species — and some of the most amazing sharks in our ocean don’t get as much notice. Tuesday at 9 p.m., “Alien Sharks: Return to the Abyss,” the sequel to “Alien Sharks of the Deep” will shed some light on the mysterious life of these lesser known sharks. This year, the show will Paul Clerkin as he investigates the ocean’s depths to better understand these mysterious fish. Here are just a few things you should know about these hidden stars of Shark Week.

    1. Some are not easy to observe.

    2. Some of them really do look like aliens.

    3. No really, some of them have a saw for a face.

    4. In the deep you might come across a “living fossil.”

    5. You might see a bonus gill.

    6. Some sharks like it cold.

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    The Greenland shark is one of the largest sharks in the world, reaching up to 24 feet [7.3 meters] in length. It is probably the most northern-ranging of shark species, living mainly in deep, very cold water of the high North Atlantic and Arctic oceans.

    The species has been found at a depth of more than 7,000 feet [2,130 meters], yet stomachs of some specimens have contained polar bear, pieces of horse and even an entire reindeer. Whether those animals were eaten at the surface or scavenged from the bottom is not known. Though it has a propensity for the icy waters of the north, one specimen was caught last August at a depth of 6,000 feet in the Gulf of Mexico.

    7. Some sharks walk.

    8. Some sharks are fancy.

    9. Sharks all over the world are under threat.