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    This Is How Girls On Tinder React To Jean-Ralphio Pickup Lines

    He's fluUuUuUshed with caAaAaAshhhhhhh.

    First off, Liz did NOT know how to react to her new nickname.

    But Hannah was quickly sold. No questions asked.

    Jill found his swag entertaining.

    But needed more convincing to be totally on board.

    But that didn't exactly work out.

    Jean-Ralphio is open-minded as hell, but it seems not everyone shares his progressive attitude.

    And not everyone shares Chris Traeger's ability to take a compliment.

    Maggie understood the struggle.

    But didn't seem to be interested in Jean-Ralphio's fast cash lifestyle.

    Stephanie definitely did not bring a change of clothes.

    That or she has Jean-Ralphio mixed-up with Mona Lisa.

    Crystal was straight up confuzzled.

    For some reason Angela thought this excellent advice was something to LOL about.

    Gillian worried way too much about her grandma to be Jean-Ralphio's boo.

    Maddy was struck by the beauty of Jean-Ralphio's prose.

    She thought he was smooth and deserving of mad credit...

    In the end, however, she wasn't ready for his jelly.

    But then there was Stacy, who wanted to move things way too fast.

    Stay classy, Jean-Ralphio.