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    15 Sure Signs You're Watching A Shonda Rhimes Show

    You know you watch them.

    And now, just for fun....15 Signs That You're Watching a Shonda Rhimes show, as I often do.

    1. The lead women are unmarried and in love with someone else's husband, which they repeatedly justify through repeated and repeated and repeated declarations of love.

    2. Said wives are often cool and beautiful, and often much more confident then their bumbling counterparts. They are pretty much outmatched by these alpha women, but will overcome in the end because they are the heroes.

    3. The leads have elegant, old fashion sounding names: Meredith Grey, Olivia Pope, Addison Montgomery, Mellie Grant.

    4. The male leads are tall, dark and handsome with floppy hair and intense stares and bedroom eyes and are VERY emotional, much more so than your average male.


    5. There is always a brilliant side character who never quite gets their fair shake but always steals every scene they're in.

    6. There is always a useless side character who you really wish would die already, but never does. DIE QUINN.

    7. Instead, a character that you really, really wish would stay on and is terribly interesting is needlessly killed. Like, every week.

    7. There are conservatives in the show that aren't conservative at all, but actually really liberal.

    Liv: "Yeah?"
    Fitz: "Remember how we made everyone believe I was Republican but I seem to hate everything about Republicans and share no values or beliefs with the party that I was elected to?"
    Liv: "It was my greatest fix."

    8. Religious people come in three shades: Preachy and fundamentalist, crazy, or naive and driven mad by their need for sex. There are no normal religious people here.

    9. Everyone looks gorgeous, all the time. They live in a state of stunning beauty.

    10. The side love stories are always the best ones. Especially if they involve redheads.

    11. Big grand speeches are always accompanied by ugly screaming and even uglier crying, followed by quote-worthy conclusions that live on forever in pop culture. "We're gladiators" or "You're my person" are annoying, perfect examples.


    13. There is lots of making out in inappropriate and sometimes gross public places.

    14. Most of the time you are rolling your eyes or gasping at the insanity of it all, or are like

    15. But when she hits that sweet spot, MAN, IT KILLS YOU.

    And then you are like...

    I see what you did there.

    Oh Shonda.