21 Struggles Men With Embarrassing Body Hair Will Understand

    To shave or not to shave?

    1. As far as body hair goes, you're still trying to find the balance between Hagrid and the Old Spice man.

    2. Because it's hard to rock shoulder hair unless you are Seth Rogen on the back of a motorcycle.

    3. You ABSOLUTELY MUST trim your body hair before events JUST IN CASE you meet someone.

    4. Ingrown hairs are not a damn joke.

    5. You've definitely trimmed your neck hair too far, leaving yourself with an asymmetrical haircut.

    6. And had to reshape the hairline on your own.

    7. You live in fear of shaving off a nipple.

    8. You've thought about shaving your pubes into a shape at least once.

    9. Before deciding it was going to be too complicated and going for something more traditional.

    10. And even then, you pray for a steady hand so that you don't end up on the local news.

    11. You've assigned one trimmer your face and one for... other places.

    12. But you've forgotten which was which at least once.

    13. Patches of hair appear on your body in no logical pattern.

    14. Whether or not your chest hair should stick out from underneath a t-shirt is an important lifestyle choice.

    15. And when you turn to the internet for advice, you find... all of the internet's opinions about body hair.

    16. You've thought about getting a wax, and then decided not to based solely on The 40 Year Old Virgin.

    17. You wish you could turn your head all the way around to see what's going on back there.

    18. Sometimes you end up taking the world's most awkward back hair selfie to see the damage.

    19. Or need to enlist a significant other for help.

    20. You have an intricate and foolproof plan for disposing of your body hair without anyone ever seeing it.

    21. But inevitably, it'll all just grow back anyway.