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    14 Reasons Big Brother 16's Donny Is America's Sweetheart

    After last night's painful eviction, let's take a look back at the man, the legend, the BEARD.

    When we first met Donny, we were skeptical. "Who is this Duck Dynasty knock-off?"

    But we soon fell in love.

    Donny is actually a saint. A saint with a glorious beard.

    We laughed along when he did this.

    And we chuckled when we did this.

    His friendship with Paola was adorable.

    Almost as adorable as Donny sans beard.

    Just look at how happy he is with his girlfriend!

    But we learned he was also a strategic player. A strategic player that looked like a kind wizard or a caring professor.

    When he'd win challenges like this, we couldn't contain our excitement.

    Sometimes he'd take selfies with his Team America bros.

    And sometimes he was very sad. But in an adorable way, like only Donny could.

    He'd get nominated like EVERY WEEK and always manage to scrape by.

    And even though he is gone now, he'll always be our bearded Big Brother crush.