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    Why We Shouldn't Skip Directly From Halloween To Christmas

    Because 55 straight days of Christmas carols can be a bit tiresome.

    There is a disturbing trend in America.

    As soon as the clock strikes November 1st, many people start blasting Christmas carols.

    But there is another holiday in between Halloween and Christmas! Remember Thanksgiving?

    You know, the one that the Father of our Country first decreed to be a national holiday?

    It's also the one that the legendary Abraham Lincoln gave a national, annual date of the last Thursday in November.

    Aaaand the one that FDR established as the fourth Thursday in November starting in 1941.

    But hey, let's not dwell on the past. What about the glorious Thanksgiving of present day?

    Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday to spend with the people you care about.

    Need I remind you there are no overplayed Thanksgiving songs blasting on the radio?

    There ARE, however, delicious turkeys to be devoured.

    Plus there's football to watch!

    And there's the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! Giant balloons of cartoon characters; what's not to love?

    Of course, you also get a few days off school. That never hurt anyone.

    If you're into that kind of thing, you can digest your wonderful meal outside in the cold with hundreds of strangers, waiting for a store to open.

    However you celebrate Thanksgiving, just remember to take a few moments to be thankful.

    And please, for goodness' sake, don't let this be the future of America.