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    These Official Harry Potter Anime Characters Will Make You Squeal With Joy

    You didn't know how much you needed a Chibi Draco until now.

    Warner Bros. has just licensed the FIRST-ever collection of anime Harry Potter characters.

    This set of 13 trading cards is part of a merch line that the company plans to release in the future.

    The set doesn't (yet) have Hufflepuffs or Ravenclaws, or any females other than this too-precious Hermione.

    Depending on demand, the line will hopefully expand to include other popular characters in the future.

    Each card is currently priced at 378 yen or $3.15.

    The good news is if you're in Japan, you can order these now from Movic and Froovie.

    They'll be available in stores nationwide like Animate soon.

    But if you're anywhere else, you'll have to settle for the illustrations.

    We know, it HURTS to not have this smug baby Draco.

    BRB, I'll be waiting in misery until cuddly Hedwig and Buckbeak become available worldwide.
