J.Lo Has A Sassy Hand Wave That Is The Most Relatable Thing Ever

    You've done it before, many times.

    *Waves to an old ex on the street*

    *Imagines them tripping into traffic*

    *Gets home exactly at curfew*

    *Tries to act sober in front of parents*

    *Waves back at a cute stranger*

    *Finds out they weren't waving at you*

    *Greets boss in the morning*

    *Wishes you were anywhere else*

    *Peppy co-worker tells you "GOOD MORNING!!!"*

    *Darts to coffee machine*

    *Spots a friend on the first day of class*

    *Bitch is sitting next to Enemy No. 1*

    *Walks into a bar feelin' your look*

    *No one notices you*

    *Sees a co-worker outside of the office*

    *Regrets calling in "sick"*

    *Comes home to roommate cuddling with their bae on the couch*

    *Plots their breakup*

    *Eye flirts with cute new professor*

    *Spots wedding ring...*

    *...The challenge of a married man only motivates you more*

    *Continues to flirt*