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    How I Really Feel, About America 2013.

    Just something I wrote, wanted to get off my chest.

    Regardless of party, there is a now significant amount of the population that has placed the ideology of the individual over everything else. This idea of the individual trumps everything is an extremist ideal and is not compatible with modern society and democracy. This is one of a few effects of the disease that has effected our society.

    Another serious problem is a government that is bought and owned by corporate america. There is plenty of lies and propaganda on the left and the right about corporate america. I do not mean, small to medium businesses that happen to be incorporated in the legal meaning, I mean the massive, multi-national companies that have no loyalty to America or it's people. They have no reason to be, why should they?

    In order to get elected in this country you need money, a LOT of money. Where do you get a lot of money? Big business and the very very small population that is incredibly wealthy. Money does equal speech in this country. That is a legal and valid concept upheld by our highest courts. So by the very nature of the system, those with the most money have the most say in what goes on. It doesn't take a genius to see that is a serious problem. While on one hand free speech and "freedom" are concepts that are very American, we also have to come to understand that pure freedom for some, will ultimately mean no freedom for others. I think the same people who are of the Tea Party or Libertarian views really fail to grasp this. Just like the most strident liberals tend to ignore the fact that concentrating power does the same exact thing. You don't need to be a scholar of history to have seen this theme throughout human civilization.

    In the 90's I thought wow.... the internet will finally connect more people and the truth of so many things will finally come out. I was more wrong about that then anything in my life. If anything it has enabled to manipulaters of truth on all sides to control the ignorant masses to an even greater extent.

    America you have gotten very lazy. Democracy takes WORK. You have to put the time and the effort in to educate yourself on what is true and what is not. There are thousands of people out there from the unscrupulous car dealer to the bought and sold Senator who want to promise you the world only to give you a turd sandwich. It's not enough to demand that they do what you elect them to do, we already do that and many are listening. They are telling you what you want to hear, not what is GOOD for YOU AND THE COUNTRY. We have to again learn to stop thinking about everything that "feels good" or what "sounds right" and base our choices firmly in objective fact. Regardless of what biases that may violate. There are good ideas from both "sides".

    Only when we again learn to see what is truly in the best interest of us as a nation and put aside our petty needs and differences will we return to the great nation we once were. I honestly wonder in this age of instant information and declining NEED to do real work, will we be able to do so? Or will it take a catastrophic event to compel us to do so. I honestly hope we regain our collective sanity and realize this before it does take something terrible to force us to. I know we can, it's just a matter of will..