The 5 Best Videos Of The Week From Viral Video Chart

    BuzzFeed and Unruly Media team up to curate the five most interesting, most shared, most viral videos of the last seven days! For even more statistically-backed viral hits, check out the BuzzFeed Channel on Viral Video Chart.

    5. 29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time!

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    This is what genuine surprise looks like. Twenty-nine year old Sarah Churman was born deaf, and received a hearing implant earlier this month. To someone born with a sense of hearing, it's impossible to imagine what it must be like to have one of your senses turned on for the first time.

    But her tears of joy say it all.

    The true human emotional reaction to a life-changing event make it easy to see why this video has so quickly earned over six million views, and 270,000 shares on Facebook.

    If this video melted your heart like it did mine, check out this list from last year of 9 more people hearing for the very first time!

    4. Son's reaction to 'Empire Strikes Back' reveal!!!!

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    This is what a child's feigned surprise when they know they're being watched looks like.

    3. Floppy music DUO - Imperial march

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    Hey, did you guys see this Star Wars video? It's got Star Wars in it. Geeks love Star Wars.

    In all seriousness, controlling the stepper motor in old floppy drives using a microcontroller to play midi files is pretty rad. People have been doing it for years. Here's a pair playing the Tetris theme. Here's a set of four playing Flight Of The Bumblebee.

    But this one has Star Wars, which has about as much mass appeal as you can get in the realm of nouveaux geek culture.

    2. Apple Steve Jobs The Crazy Ones - NEVER BEFORE AIRED 1997

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    Steve Jobs didn't invent the PC but he created the desktop publishing market. He didn't invent the MP3 but he brought it to the mainstream. He didn't even develop the Apple design aesthetic. That was Jonathan Ive, who's work is highly derivative of the work Dieter Rams did for Braun in the 1950s and '60s.

    But Steve Jobs was a visionary who knew that computers weren't only for computer engineers. They're tools for creative expression.

    Although most of us never knew Steve personally, nearly all of us have seen his influence on the world.

    1. Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

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    This is a long one, but perhaps that's the point in this situation.

    A college dropout who changed the world shares his life story at one of the most prestigious universities in the world.

    Knowing that we will never get any more time to get to know Steve Jobs, this video serves perhaps as one of the best looks into the person behind the image.

    When the news broke that Steve had passed away, the topic took over the internet in many ways. This video quickly rose to the top of the pile, gaining over 18 million views and 3.6 million Facebook shares in less than 48 hours.

    RIP Steve.