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    5 Ways To YOLO Somewhat Responsibly

    You only live once, but most of us live for a long time. YOLO accordingly.

    YOLO, the dare devil dumb way to say Carpe Diem, has been used as an excuse to do stupid shit for over a year now. The phrase, which obviously doesn't apply to cats, unfortunately seems like it might stick around for a little while longer.

    But before you use the fact that you only live once as an excuse to light yourself on fire and juggle bunnies in an attempt to go viral, please consider these five ways to YOLO somewhat responsibly.

    1) See The Dentist Once A Year

    The American Dental Association suggests that you see a dentist twice a year, but also notes that some people can get away with fewer visits. If you want to be a little wild and take your chances, because you know, YOLO, then consider only going once this year!

    2) Change Your Oil Every 10,000 Miles

    Screw the sticker on your window. Ignore that stupid warning light on your control panel. Nothing is more badass than risking engine failure. YOLO.

    3) Sleep 6.5 Hours Per Night

    The National Sleep Foundation suggests that adults sleep 7-9 hours per night. But since you only live once, you may want to push the envelope a little bit and just sleep 6.5 hours. You may increase your risk of motor vehicle accidents, get fat, and develop heart problems, but it seems like a small price to pay.

    4) Skip Your Multivitamins Today

    Taking a daily multivitamin is a great way to ensure that you meet your dietary recommendations. Skipping your vitamins today should be a fun way to feel adventurous and cool without risking your long-term health.

    5) Leave Your Door Unlocked

    Burglary in the States has declined since the 1970s, and only 1 in 36 homes in America are expected to be burglarized this year. So why don't you live a little and leave your door unlocked next time you leave for work.