When "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" Made You Realize You Were A Gay Man

    Because you wanted to BE the pink ranger and make-out with the green.

    Growing up, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was the coolest show on the planet.

    It had tons of action, comedy, and even a little romance.


    Before '90s gay boys grew up to love Lady Gaga and Britney Spears, they worshipped at the altars of badass divas Kimberly and Trini.

    When Kimberly and Trini hair flipped their way through their intro, you let out your first "yaasss," and you just knew there was a bit of fabulous in you.


    They taught you everything you needed to know about the subtle art of throwing shade.

    All the gay male putties of the world better beware!

    And for all you femboys growing up under unrealistic masculine expectations, they taught you that you could be flamboyant and KICK. TOTAL. ASS.

    When you were not busy wanting to live vicariously through your power idols, you were most likely busy paying close attention to the men of Power Rangers.

    Paying close attention to the way they would play rough with each other half-naked…

    ...and even closer attention to the fact that they made you realize that yes you were, in fact, a gay man.

    Zack showed you how to pump your big axe.

    While Jason showed you just how to wield your phallic sword.

    Billy was totally that She's All That hottie. When he took his glasses off, you knew it was time to teleport to the bedroom.

    But every time you stared into Tommy's eyes, your inner queen jumped for mother-morphin' joy.

    When he smiled, it was like he was smiling at you. All you wanted to do was switch places with his S.O., the pink ranger, because of it.

    Especially during the times they would kiss.

    You never wanted to be like Tommy...you wanted to be WITH Tommy.

    So, thank you Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for inspiring a whole generation of gay boys to truly embrace the glittery power within.

    Oh...and thank you for Tommy's long, luscious locks because that shit was the gayest.