The 8 Shameless Lies All Parents Tell Their Kids

    "That animal by the side of the road was!"

    Being a parent is hard. Sometimes it's too much to be truthful 24/7. They want so much, and they won't LET IT GO.

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    Like, I know you've seen Frozen a million times, kid, learn to take a hint.

    1. That lie you bring out when you just can't handle another YouTube video blasting from the iPad and you don't want a tantrum because you said no.

    2. That fib where you make it seem like it's someone else's fault that your kid has to do something unappealing...and also vaguely threaten their Christmas bounty.

    3. The fake "totally cool with it" lie where you trick them into choosing what you actually want.

    4. When it's sooo much easier not to tell your kid that you broke that f&*%ing toy because you hated it more than anything else in this world.

    5. The many tricks you pull out when you just CAN'T. HANDLE. MORE. CAILLOU.

    6. That lie that saves you from whining and whining and whining about doing an activity that day.

    7. The mistruth you tell with a little giggle because you're getting away with it.

    8. And that white lie when you just really, really, really don't want to share this one time.