14 Things I Learned Doing Sub-Zero Yoga

    Cold yoga is the new hot yoga.

    1. Ski-ram Yoga is a new workout in sub-zero temperatures.

    2. The class takes place in a temperature-controlled tent.

    3. Ski gear is essential to keep you warm and stylish.

    I was provided with a selection of coats, hats, and gloves. Plus goggles to get me in a ski slope state of mind!

    4. The main purpose of ski-ram is to get you ski slope ready.

    5. Gaby, the instructor, warms up professional athletes.

    6. Instead of sun salutations, you do snow salutations.

    7. It won't be cold for long.

    8. Like with any yoga practice, you have to focus on your breath.

    9. You've got to find your centre.

    10. And you've got to push yourself.

    11. It's OK not to get it right away.

    The practise is about getting your body where it needs to be and ready to do what it needs to do on your holiday. I was lucky to have Gaby to rely on when I was struggling with my balance or posture. Her corrections made the difference in being slope ready versus still stiff.

    12. It's a really peaceful and fun environment.

    13. Thank your body and be proud.

    14. Post-warm-up relaxation time is a must.

    P.S.: Your goggles won't actually hold your hat in place. Just saying.

    Ski-ram sessions will hit the slopes in 2015, but you can warm-up now with this brilliant instructional video with Gaby.