People On Twitter Are Sharing Insanely Relatable Relationship Goals

    "Sharing the last slice of pizza."

    Twitter users are using the hashtag #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words to share their hopes, dreams, and goals for their love life.

    Shared s'ghetti kisses. #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words

    Some submissions are sexy...

    Harry and towel 😂 #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words

    Some are totally legit.

    #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words you hungry bae?

    Some of them LOL-worthy.

    Steamy closet WooHoo. #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words

    And some will get you right in the feels.

    #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words Be their lobster 💕❤️💕

    Lots of people are using the tag as a shoutout to their favourite celebrity couples.

    #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words this picture here ⬇️

    Beyoncé and Jay #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words

    #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words: John and Chrissy.

    And their OTPs.

    ron and hermione #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words

    Cory and Topanga!#RelationshipGoalsIn3Words

    Louis and Harry. #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words

    #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words Harry and Louis ☺️

    #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words LOUIS AND HARRY

    While some people are calling out their deal breakers.

    #relationshipgoalsin3words no meninists allowed

    Doesn't Vote Trump #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words

    There's plenty of nerdy goals.

    #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words - Bruce and Selina

    Comicon matching cosplays. #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words

    Zombie apocalypse partner #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words

    And some truly romantic ones.

    Get over here #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words

    As You Wish! #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words

    Not everybody's looking for love.

    #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words: Im Dying Alone

    But that doesn't mean they don't have their own relationship goals.

    #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words me and money. too much money

    #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words Grilled cheese sandwich

    Me and pizza #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words

    Some people are in it for the long haul.

    Grow Old Together. xx #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words

    And some people just want what we all want.

    #RelationshipGoalsIn3Words Sharing LAST slice 🍕💖