22 Things All Messy Couples Know

    Kisses > Dishes.

    1. Your shared flat is a mountain range of piles.

    2. And you can only ever find one set of keys at any given time.

    3. You both hate having a pile of dishes in the sink.


    But you also hate cleaning, so you mostly just eat off disposable paperware.

    4. You're constantly trying to trick each other into tidying.

    "It's your turn to do the dishes, because even if you did them yesterday, you still owe me for tidying the closet on Wednesday!"

    5. You've probably ended up wearing each other's clothes rather than doing the laundry.

    6. You always argue over who gets to take out the trash.

    7. You've tried every imaginable way to make cleaning fun.

    8. Even if you've both grudgingly graduated to taking care of the major chores, there are some things that will just never get done.

    9. You probably just go halfsies on a cleaner.

    10. If not, you dream of having the funds to go halfsies on a cleaner.

    11. Or you've actively decided against a cleaner because you know you'll just spill Dominos dipping sauce on the floor they just mopped like two hours earlier.

    12. You NEVER have people over.

    13. And if company shows up unannounced, one of you distracts them at the door while the other one scrambles to "tidy" the flat.

    14. Then two months later, you finally find the headphones your partner's been looking for for AGES underneath a pile of empty crisp bags at the back of the wardrobe.

    15. It is ALWAYS your partner's fault and not yours that things are not clean.

    16. Unless your partner thinks YOU'RE to blame for the pile-up of shoes you never wear by the door.

    17. You're not COMPLETE animals.

    18. But let's be honest, neither of you knew, probably until this very moment, that you're supposed to routinely clean your oven.

    19. The last time you vacuumed was probably back when you first started dating and were trying to impress each other by not being gross.

    20. But then you found out they were also kind of gross.

    You're not alone in the world, after all!

    21. And that you could be your messy, unorganised, pile-making, key-losing, non-dusting self with them.

    22. Because you both know there's more to life than tidying up.