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    16 Ways To Experience Edinburgh On The Cheap

    All under a fiver.

    We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to share their favourite budget Edinburgh tip. Here's what they said:

    1. Visit the stunning St Giles Cathedral

    2. Get a scoop at Mary's Milk Bar

    3. Stop and smell the roses at the Royal Botanic Gardens

    4. Stuff your face at Wings

    5. Take a trip to Cramond Island

    6. Visit the spooky Edinburgh Anatomical Museum

    7. Climb to the top of Arthur's Seat

    8. Catch some improv at The Stand

    9. Explore the National Portrait Gallery

    10. Have a curry at The Mosque Kitchen

    11. Get a bird's eye view of the sea from The Nelson Monument

    12. Grab a bite at Wannaburger

    13. Admire the art and architecture in the National Museum of Scotland

    14. See what's on at the Banshee Labyrinth.

    Budget: Free

    The popular night club hosts free Karaoke every Tuesday, and regularly screens classic cult films for £3.

    Suggested by Lynn Koch on Facebook.

    15. Go for books and booze at The Library Bar

    16. Walk along the Union Canal

    If you want to be featured in similar BuzzFeed posts, follow the BuzzFeed Community on Facebook and Twitter.

    The Mosque Kitchen has been open to the public since its opening, a day ticket to Cramond Island is £3.50, only the glasshouses at the Botanic Gardens require an entry fee, and films at the Banshee Labyrinth are free. A previous version of this article misstated these details.