24 Amazing Christmas Jumpers You Simply Must Have

    Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.

    1. This truth bomb.

    2. This one that you can literally wear every day of the year.

    3. Basically, never take this one off.

    4. This slouchy version of a classic.

    5. This vintage bundle of cosy.

    6. This Happy Birthday Jesus masterpiece.

    7. This moustachioed Harry Potter elf that knows your life.

    8. Have Cat-mas every day.

    9. Literally every day.

    10. Scrooge and slouch 24/7 with this.

    11. Or this cracking unisex version.

    12. This one, because we've all been there.

    13. This one, because at least it's honest.

    14. Men of Mayhem will be all over this one.

    15. This one, because all we really want for Christmas is our Hogwarts letters.

    16. Seriously though.

    17. This geeky delight.

    18. This adorable Olaf jumper.

    19. This foxy option.

    20. This one, obviously.

    21. This strangely awesome Jesus jumper.

    22. This cosy cardigan.

    23. This one, because who didn't ask Santa for a new season of Breaking Bad?

    24. And this one, because ZOMBIES.