The Expectation Versus Reality Of Getting A Dog

    Surprise: they're an even better addition to your life than you ever imagined.

    Puppies will sleep through the night and cuddle!

    Reality: They will keep you up all night but start snoozin' when you have to get up.

    They'll LOVE your fancy dog treats and really appreciate how pretty they are.

    Reality: They're fine with your couch.

    Expectation: They'll sleep in the super comfy A++ bed you get them.

    Reality: You'll find them tucked into your bed.

    Expectation: You will have the best nap time pal.

    Reality: He will be a great nap pal but it may be stinkier than you signed up for.

    Expectation: Your pup will keep you in shape!

    Reality: It's way more fun to snack with your dog.

    Expectation: They'll help you meet all sorts of new friends.

    Reality: You have a new, perfect best friend: why would you even need anyone else?

    Expectation: Your dog will up your selfie game.

    Reality: They'll take over all selfie related activities.

    Expectation: If you're single, your dog will make an excellent wingman.

    Reality: He may swoop in and distract with his own cute factor.

    Expectation: Your dog will make your life infinitely better.

    Reality: Your dog will make your life infinitely better.