A Day In The Life Of A Morning Talk Show Host

    Meet Honey Berry, the star of Univision’s “Despierta América” as she gives us an inside peek at her amazing, crazy job.

    My assistant wakes me up in the morning bright and early...

    Just because I love my job doesn't mean the process is any easier...

    Once, I get up, I find my makeup artist ASAP so no one else has to see this face.

    I then eat a sensible, energy-filled meal for breakfast.

    I like to get my morning workout in early before the real craziness begins.

    I then clean myself up, no matter how much I hate it and try to hide.

    Meeting time comes up fast.

    It's very important to thoroughly research my guest (in this case, my namesake) before I do my interview.

    I'm not a coffee drinker so it's very difficult to stay awake in that morning meeting.

    It's important that I stay on top of my game, though: I often have to fight for the best interviews.

    I always win.

    Almost showtime! I have to tweet to all my fans to remind them to tune in!

    Last but certainly not least, I have to glance over the rundown one last time to see what's coming up.

    It's showtime! All the guests come on for me.

    It's important for me to act cool and collected around celebs, but let's be real: I wanted to pee all down her leg the entire time.

    A good way to put your guest at ease is to do some playful moves. A roll on the back shows the guests you are open and honest.

    See how well that worked with Matt Damon?

    The benefit of being cute and furry is that I can kiss whoever I want.

    During commercials, I usually get a treat.

    When I'm lucky, I can take a quick power nap.

    Most of the time, though, I get feedback from the director.

    Back to the show!

    My job is awesome because one day, I'll show everyone how to celebrate their birthday.

    And then the next, I'll get a check-up!

    And then out of the blue, I sometimes meet a strange baby.

    My favorite days are the ones that end with a dance party.

    After the show, I typically decompress in my robe under a table where no one will bother me.

    It's a rough life being a TV star...

    But somebody's gotta do it.