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    Anna Garforth's Art Is So Cool

    Moss graffiti and cookie typography are definitely the next big thing.

    London based artist, Anna Garforth, uses different media to create simple and complicated pieces. Her eye-catching works have been featured in businesses and locations, internationally.

    "Natur," "Grow," and "King's Cross Picnic"

    "Feast" and "Edible Poster"

    "Love Your Street"

    "Wandering Territory"

    The picture on the left is the same landscape depicted on the bear sculpture (to the right). Using cardboard, the 3D aesthetics "create the contours of landscape" and the sculpture "represents the crossing of environments and a temporary shift in the daily landscape." Which is like, awesome.

    "Wandering Territory" is on display in The Design Museum in Holland.

    Visit Anna Garforth's website to see more of her work, and follow her on Tumblr, where she features interesting pictures "every other day."

    *All quotes attributed to Anna Garforth's website.