

So after being of FB for a while now I have thought it may be time to write something in the about me. But hopefully you already know a little something, about me. I want Facebook to be for friends mostly and not just everyone I meet. I'd say I have a little bit of a wicked sense of humor. I am not sure where it came from but I love it. It has gotten me into trouble on numerous occasions, but I can't make everyone happy. I tried that for the longest time and now I kinda do and say what I want. I love to have a good time, which has also got me into trouble a few times. I've always tried to be the best at everything and shine, but lately I have felt that my career path has come to a crashing halt and reverted backwards. I believe it's time to figure something new out so I am contemplating going back to school and doing something meaningful and that pays the bills. I cherish every moment with my friends and love meeting new people. Its great connections and little moments that make me happy to be alive. That and a good Hex Hector Remix. HEY Gurrlllll! I have a slight tendency to come across as aloof, please forgive me. I am kinda shy around some people at first and with others I am the ringleader!

Aug 2010
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