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    I've Got A Bad Feeling About This...

    Chewbacca? PSH. He's too mainstream. Don't you know? It's all about Chubaka these days.

    It was just a regular ole day of me surfing the web and deciding that I wanted to do a little online shopping. First on the list:

    What can I say? I'm a sucker for cheap, cute clothing.

    So I start browsing in the "new arrivals" section and start opening a bunch of different tabs.

    I scroll and scroll until I see a shirt that has caught my eye. Being the geek that I am, it's no surprise that it's a Star Wars shirt.

    I MUST CLICK. I MUST HAVE. I CLICK. I.....what!?

    Wait. What does that say!? Does that say CHUBAKA? Not Chewbacca???

    This has to be a joke. Or maybe they meant to type it out like that on purpose...but wait! The TM means it's real and not fake!

    Well played Forever21. I see what you did there. This obvi ISN'T Chewbacca but instead it's his twin hipster brother we never get to see. Just look at those sunglasses and that handlebar stache! He's definitely his twin!


    As of this morning, Forever21 decided to change the name. It now sucks. Who wants that shirt now?