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40 Things Only Internet Feminists Will Understand

Being a feminist online can be absolutely amazing, but things can also get batshit crazy. Feminist ladies of the internet, this one's for you.

1. When somebody refers to you as an "Internet Feminist":

2. When somebody with "conservative values" follows you on Twitter:

3. When a fellow feminist you really like says something shitty in an article:

4. And then makes it even worse by being a dick about it on Twitter:

5. When someone says "so much for the Sisterhood":

6. When one of your Facebook friends says something sexist:

7. When you realise you're actually related to that person:

8. When you say something particularly badass and get loads of RTs:

9. When you post a photo of your manicure on Instagram and you’re told to "check your privilege":

10. When Spotify unexpectedly unveils your un-feminist music choices to your Facebook friends:

11. And it's hard to feel bad because the music is SO GOOD:


12. When you realise feminists you thought were your friends are talking crap about something you wrote:

13. When people online make things about feminism when they don't necessarily have to be:

14. When a male commentator on TV says something so feminist you want to hug him:

15. And then wonder why there wasn't a woman on TV to talk about the same issue:

16. When another feminist tries to tell you the correct way to be a feminist:

17. When feminists are told to "stop complaining" on Twitter when raising a serious issue:

18. And then later the same week feminists are told they need to "speak up more":

19. That time you had to Google "intersectional":

20. That time you had to Google "Bechdel Test":

21. And "CIS".

22. And then drowned in a sea of guilt over your own privilege:

23. When you go to a feminist meetup and no one speaks to you:

24. When your favorite feminist follows you back on Twitter:

25. And then when you realise they've unfollowed you:

26. When you see women you really like being horrible to each other online:

27. How you feel when you're hanging out in the non-feminist parts of the internet:

28. When someone tells you what you've said isn't feminist enough:

29. When the same five white feminists are on every panel, every list, and are asked to speak at every conference EVER:

30. When a feminist threatens to leave Twitter and the internet ONCE AND FOR ALL...


31. When a young girl reaches out to you because she wants to get more involved with feminism:

32. When a feminist you really like writes a book:

33. And then you discover you disagree with approximately two-thirds of it:

34. When your family doesn't understand why you get so upset about "all that feminist stuff":

35. When a guy mansplains feminism to you:

And you're all like:

And then your awesome feminist friends on Twitter are all like:

36. When everyone starts freaking out and arguing over something you've written:

37. When a celebrity who totally is a feminist swears that she isn't:

38. When you make the mistake of checking Twitter on a Sunday and all the feminists are fighting:

39. When your feminist buddies online see someone engaging with a troll:

40. When you meet awesome feminists online and they become your IRL friends: