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What Crazy Shit Do You Do In Your Sleep?

Calling all sleepwalkers, sleep-talkers, sleep-eaters, and anyone else who does weird shit in the middle of the night.

Everyone experiences sleep differently.

For some, sleep is an effortless and beautiful thing.

For others, sleeping is a literal shitshow.

People might wake up thinking they've slept like a rock all night.

When in reality, they've been up all night doing all kinds of CRAZY shit!

Like this mom, who just can't figure out how to open the tomato cage.

View this video on YouTube


Or Stu, in what might be the most terrifying Rugrats episode ever.

We were all like, "Stu, WTF are you doing!?"

As weird as it is for the sleeper, it can be even freakier for the family, friends, partners, or roommates who get to witness this stuff — and then have to tell them about it later.

Sometimes, it can get a little scary.

Often, it's just really weird and funny.

For example: One time, I woke up trying to drink a bottle of Bath and Body Works Cotton Blossom body lotion.

So tell us: What is the craziest, funniest, or downright creepiest thing you've ever done in your sleep?

Share your story in the comments and it might be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Health post.

Thumbnail credit: Lorianne DiSabato / Creative Commons via flickr.com